A 90's Classic...Retuned!
Banjo Kazooie: Retuned is a proof of concept for a remake of the 1998 N64 game. In this project, I aimed to create an experience emulating what a store display would have for a newly released game, from the product to the promotion.
Authenticity was key for this project, so I spent a lot of time designing game cases for the 3 modern platforms. Bright colors and energetic characters convey the themes of the game as well as catch consumers' attention.
Promo Time!
I wanted to cover a variety of promotional methods to excite the viewer. This includes a poster, special edition controllers, a motion graphic, and even a cardboard cutout. 
I took inspiration from the short advertisements that would play on a monitor in a game store. I designed this animation to be short and sweet, while creating excitement for the new release.
From Sketch to Vector
Essentially every asset I created started with a traditionally done sketch, from the main character illustration, to the icons, to the logo. This allowed me to keep a sense of movement and "bounce" to stay in line with the cartoon style.

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