Many websites and apps have an E-Commerce element to them. This project allowed me to create my own store to showcase both product design and the user experience of a check out flow. Lets take a look at my process in creating Retro Retail.
Retro Retail Prototype

I started the project by doing some research on competitors in retro video game sales as well as some big names like Target or Best Buy. I also created 2 personas to identify my target audience and cater towards their wants and needs. Finally, I did some light branding, gathering ideas for possible website names, color palettes, iconography, and fonts.

The wireframe stage is essentially the blue prints to my final design. All the base pages are mapped out with basic shapes, labels, and icons to give a general idea of the layout for the website.

High Fidelity is where all of the detail and prototyping comes into play. There are an abundance of screens here that are in different states to account for how the consumer interacts with the website.